8th Annual FinTech, Information & Business Services Forum
Please join us August 9-10 for the 8th Annual Wells Fargo FinTech, Information & Business Services Forum in Newport, Rhode Island.
forum will provide investors an opportunity to hear from FinTech, information
and business service providers at one-one-one and small group meetings tailored
to your sector. The format of this event consists of 35 minute one-on-one and
group meetings.
Wells Fargo Research Hosts: Matt
Akers (Aerospace, Defense
and Government Services) Seth Weber (Business Services)
Wednesday, August 9 7:00am Breakfast and Registration
8:00am ・5:00pm One-on-ones and group meetings
6:00pm Dinner Reception ・The
Bohlin downtown Newport Optional Newport Harbor Cruises to The Bohlin 5:30pm - 6:00pm - First
Harbor cruise en route to The Bohlin 5:45pm - 6:15pm - Second Harbor cruise en route to The Bohlin *Additional ground transportation provided
Thursday, August 10 7:00 a.m. Breakfast and registration
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Scheduled one-on-ones and group meetings
Investor one-on-ones
We will be hosting one-on-one meetings in 35 minute slots. Please submit one-on-one requests when registering online, or contact your Wells Fargo representative.
Participating Companies Please view presenter tab for participating companies
To register for this event click on the Registration tab
Newport Harbor Island Resort 1 Goat Island Newport, RI 02840
Rate: $459.00++ per night on a
space available basis. Reserve
your room online or call +1(833) 235-7500 and reference the Wells
Fargo 8th Annual FinTech & Technology Services Forum (Block code 230807WELL ) when
making your reservation.
Key Dates
July 24
One-on-one requests due
July 25: Companies to receive one-on-one schedules
July 28:
Investors to receive one-on-one schedules